Delicate Blossom


Your first delivery will be accompanied by a complimentary vase.

Elegance is a stylish and elegant bouquet filled with the most beautiful seasonal flowers. Ideal for anniversaries and birthdays of loved ones.

Delivered in bud, you can enjoy them for a long time. Giving flowers to someone or ordering flowers for yourself?

They look great on a dining table, dresser, or side table!

Specifications Qty

Average 15 flowers

Height: 55 cm

14 Items sold in last 30 days
Shipping & Delivery

Delivery in London

Delivery in London areas is carried out on the day of purchase, you can choose the date and time of delivery on the checkout page

Delivery outside London

Delivery outside London is next day, you can select the delivery date and time on the checkout page. We have fast and high-quality delivery.